Buyer Competition
Right House has multiple buyers that compete for your portfolios. No matter what type of portfolio or unique options you may request, we have multiple buyers interested in your auto loans. The buyers know when they see a portfolio from RHC that they are in competition with each other and have to offer their best available price in order to earn the business. This competition ensures that you are always getting the highest available price in the market.
Knowledge & Relationships
At Right House, we have strong relationships with our buyers and are in constant communication with them. This gives us the unique advantage of understanding our buyers’ needs. They go to market with a game plan and knowing what they are looking for can be the key to getting you the best price. When a buyer has a strong desire for a certain type of portfolio they are willing to pay a premium for it. RHC’s working and up to date knowledge of our buyers’ appetite allows you to take advantage of these pricing premiums.
Economies of Scale
Many businesses are able to benefit from economies of scale and Right House is no different. RHC brings ongoing volume to our buyers which gives us the bargaining power you are looking for. Our buyer relationships are willing to make a little less on each portfolio in order to ensure they get more business down the road. RHC’s model allows you to take advantage of an otherwise unachievable economies of scale.